Hidden Creatures - The Groundspeak Souvenir Summer
Souvenir Summer – Groundspeak and the hidden creatures…..
News from HQ: From June 27th to July 25th there is a new Groundspeak souvenir promotion. Up to 13 new themed souvenirsHidden Creatures can be searched and found.
Why a new one Souvenir at geocaching?
There are certainly some answers to this question. So many a geocacher who has been there for years at Planetary Pursuit in the past few weeks, this was the GroundSpeak summer souvenir campaign. But far from it. It can be assumed that the HQ in Seattle has recognized that the hunt for souvenirs-i.e. the colorful pictures in their own GC statistics-spurs on some cacher to cache more or more in search of cans. Answers to the question of what Souvenirs are in general can be found via this link and our blog at: http://www.cacher-reisen.de/geocaching-souvenirs-bunte-bildchen-fur-geocacher/
Looking back at the last Planetary Pursuit action shows that with more than 100,000 participants, Groundspeak's plan worked. It is not surprising that they want to continue this success story and have announced a new souvenir campaign. Hidden souvenirs want to be sought and found in June and July.

Hidden Creatures
Hidden creatures have dwelt in human minds for many centuries. They inspire the imagination and sometimes provide explanations for phenomena that happen around us. Even today, no one knows whether these creatures might not exist somewhere. The unicorn boom reflects this, for example. With geocaching you now have 4 weeks to search for 13 different creatures.
On the way to the souvenir
While the Groundspeak publication nicely states that you should visit the creatures in their natural environment to confirm their existence, no special caching behavior is required. You can also get the Snow Yeti with an event in the Caribbean, for example. Unlike some previous souvenir campaigns, the friends list is not of interest this time. Every find of a cache or every visit to an event brings the inclined cacher a little closer to the next souvenir.
Which souvenir you get for which number of finds or visits to events can be seen from the table. Every find and every event visit is worth one point. No more and no less. Completely independent of the type of cache or the D or T rating. So far the answers to the question of how to get a souvenir.

The Creatures
When asked what creatures can be found, the answer can be found in the souvenirs. A new habitat is to be presented each week, first the forest, then the sea and finally space. You can collect the souvenirs immediately after they appear or take your time for the whole four weeks.
Sphinx, Phoenix, Mermaid, Kraken, Hippocamp, Gryphon, Fairy, Dragon, Bigfoot, Yeti, Unicorn, Troll and the World Turtle have to be collected. The following pictures do not show the souvenirs, but the tags available from the geocoin shop for the campaign. With their kind permission, we can present the figures to you here so that everyone can get an impression of what to expect from the souvenirs.
For just one event you get the Hidden Creatur Bigfoot:
For 3 points there is the following souvenir:
- The news show us that for 5 pointsUnicorn.
- At 7 points the hidden creature Kraken appears. sea monster.
- With two more points, i.e. a total of 9, this appears Hip camp.
- This appears with 11 cache finds or event visits within the 4 weeks Mermaid.
- Die Sphinx appears for 15 points.
- From now on you continue in jumps of 5, for 20 points you get the souvenir of the Gryphone.
- Again 5 caches further or at 25 points appears Phoenix.
- The next jump brings the 30 pointsTroll.
- After only five more caches or event visits you get the Yeti for 35 points.
- From now on the jumps grow bigger again. The next souvenir, the Dragon, is in your souvenir collection at 50 finds in the period mentioned.
- And the last souvenir is there when you reach 100 points: theTurtle
Some blogs on the subject speak of a resemblance to Terry Pretschett's Discworld. The turtle offered as the top souvenir here at Hidden Creatures actually has a visual connection to the novels.
Coins and tags related to Hidden Creatures

Answers to the questions of how these pictures will currently look and many great products on the subject we have found the geocoin shop. With their friendly approval, we were also allowed to take over the pictures of the creatures for our text here.
There is both a coin with the Turtle as a cover picture, which is traded for an impressive EUR 19.90, but also has the day with it.
In addition to the patch on the subject, there is also a corresponding tag for all creatures. You can think what you want about the topic: the tags are all very nicely designed and take up the names of the creatures accordingly. Here is the link to the website of the geocoin shop: http://www.geocoinshop.de/Hidden-Creatures-Souvenir:::157.html
Social Media and the Hidden Creatures
You may be curious: we will try to record our way to the 13 souvenirs in a video. If you share your adventures with the hidden creatures and tag them with #hiddencreatures, you have the chance to be mentioned or quoted in the geocaching blog.
Well, then: #hiddencreatures
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